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2012年10月18日 来源:中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会
英文名称:Sydney Business Chamber
悉尼商会是附属于澳大利亚商会的分支机构,成立于 1825 年,是新南威尔士州最古老的第二大商业机构。悉尼商会是迄今为止澳大利亚最具影响力的非营利组织。悉尼商会共有130位成员企业,其会员均居澳大利亚及国际各行业翘楚,使悉尼商会在澳大利亚各行业具有深远的影响力。会员所在行业遍布电讯业,金融业,能源制造业,运输业,教育业等。
The Sydney Business Chamber was established in 1825 as the Sydney Chamber of Commerce and is the second oldest business entity in New South Wales. What’s more, Sydney Business Chamber is the most influential non-profit organization in Australia until now. Today it is a division of the NSW Business Chamber.There are 130 leading corporations members in total. Membership of the Sydney Business Chamber is drawn from the city's corporate business community, covering all industry sectors. The Chamber provides a voice for the business community to influence city, state and national governments.
The Chamber's mission statement is dedicated to the economic wellbeing of Sydney business by promoting freedom of enterprise, sustaining and representing the local, national and global interests of its members and the wider business community, to ensure that Sydney is a strong vibrant economy.
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