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2013年01月23日   来源:中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会  


英文名称:Camera Commercio Industria, Artigianato E Agricoltura





Promotion of economic and territorial development and the improvement of the quality of life of its citizens: this is the objective underpinning the activities of the Rome Chamber of Commerce.As an institution which, by adopting a “Culture of Doing”, the Rome Chamber of Commerce has decided to invest in its resources and know-how to create a leading-edge and competitive scenario in its territory, endowed with modern tangible and intangible infrastructures and services of a sufficient level to meet the needs of the companies within the territory.

In all of these cases, the Chamber of Commerce has operated in unison with other institutions and the corporate sector by following a development model based on collaboration, effort and shared interest towards achieving common goals. This model positions economic development as the decisive factor towards guaranteeing all citizens greater opportunities and well-being and to achieve these goals, it brings together factors such as competition and solidarity, progress and social inclusion, economic growth and better quality of life.