Edward C. Prescott
Professor Edward C. Prescott
Edward C. Prescott, was born on December 26, 1940, in Glens Falls, New York. He studied mathematics at Swarthmore College (B.A., 1962), operations research at Case Western Reserve University (M.S., 1963), and economics at Carnegie Mellon University (Ph.D., 1967).
Professor Prescott has ever taught at many famous universities in the U.S. such as University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Chicago, Northwestern University and University of Minnesota, is a Professor at Arizona State University at present. In addition, he used to be President of the Society of Economic Dynamics and Control and the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, a fellow of the Econometric Society, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was also an editor of several journals, including the International Economic Review and Economic Theory. Currently he is working as an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and as a professor at Arizona State University's W.P. Carey School of Business.
Professor is a major figure in macroeconomics, especially the theories of general equilibrium、business cycles、economic development and finance. In 2004, he received the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics sharing the award with Finn E. Kydland, for their contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy and the driving forces behind business cycles. His recent research focuses on the history of China’s economy and heated issues related to global economic crisis.
Professor Prescott will make speech at Symposium speech and Development of High-tech Enterprises International Forums.
普雷斯科特教授曾经执教于美国宾夕法尼亚大学、卡内基•梅隆大学、芝加哥大学、西北大学、明尼苏达大学等多所美国著名学府。他还曾担任经济动态与控制协会主席、高级经济理论协会主席、Economic Theory主编、以及美国艺术与科学院院士与计量经济学会会员。现任美国明尼阿波利斯联邦储备银行的研究员,并担任亚利桑那大学商学院教授。