The 25th China Beijing International High-tech Expo
2009年04月29日    来源:科博会官网(www.chitec.cn)



                                                             John Chambers,CEO of Cisco Corporation


钱伯斯获得西弗吉尼亚大学的法学博士学位( 1974年)和理学学士/商业学士( 1971年)。1971年后,他获得了美国印第安纳大学的工商管理硕士主修金融和管理课程( 1975年)。1967年至1968年,他在杜克大学学习工程学。

John T. Chambers is Chairman of the Board and CEO of Cisco Systems, Inc. Since January 1995, when he assumed the role of CEO, Chambers has grown the company from $1.2 billion in annual revenues to its current run-rate of approximately $40 billion.

Chambers holds Juris Doctor (1974) and Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in business (1971) degrees from West Virginia University. He later received a Masters of Business Administration degree in finance and management (1975) from Indiana University. He also attended the School of Engineering at Duke University from 1967 to 1968.