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Establishing a business

2013年04月28日   来源:中国国际贸易促进委员会北京市分会  

Technological innovation, credit access, advanced services, infrastructures, competitiveness and economical and social development are all passwords for the Regione Marche that relies on networks of enterprises, diffusion of knowledge, research and internationalisation as points of strength.

Starting from the strategies outlined in the Lisbon Agenda and in the attempt to build a positive rapport among the territories, industries and economic fibre, the Regione has put into place its own tools and used at best the opportunities created by the European Union.

It has been years now since the Regione first adopted a three-year plan for its productive activities that directs resources to the needs of enterprises, assuring no fuss procedures and fast payout times.

Next to the three-year plans, a regional plan operates for industrial research, innovation and transfer of technology. Present also is a regional communications plan that caters to innovation and digitalisation encompassing also the European measures of the 2nd Objective, which assure assistance for the less developed areas of the region, which are now rapidly catching up with the more evolved ones.

Supporting the Investor

An articulated system of services for enterprises coordinated by industrial associations, associations of category, regional bodies and societies, chambers of commerce and economic development agencies make the Marche one of the most interesting regions for national and international operators who want to make investments in areas geared for their selected industry.

The public system guarantees a number of services to the entrepreneurs. Following the wave of growing digitalisation of the region, 86% of the Municipalities have at least one interactive service and in line with a EU average , today most enterprises are able to mange their relations with the Public Administration through the Net.

In Depth

Financial System, Grants and Competitions

Central bank

Banks and local Fund

Specialised credit institutes in the Marche

Other national institutes of credit

World of finance

The Euro

AgeFin Data bank

Services for the artisan industry

Commercial service interventions

Agriculture service interventions

Tourist service interventions

New Sabatini Law 1329/65
